How to Create Your Own Reality

How would you like to create your reality and be a fucking jacked, fucking rich, fucking powerful BADASS who lives life on his own terms?

The answer is you are always creating your reality,

Unless of course,

Reality is creating you.

If reality is creating you then boo boo but if you are creating reality then woo hoo da na na na da na na na…..woo hoo……woo hoo.

When your creating your reality and you are one jacked, rich, BADASS motherfucker you can wake up at 5AM and blast Song 2 and sing woo hoo as you celebrate your own GLORY!

Don’t be an idiot and let reality create you like the 99%.

Instead join the 1% that create their own reality.

Who’s to say that this is all a dream and nothing actually exists?

Maybe we are all dreaming each other up, eh?

Have you ever thought of that?

The truth is I don’t have a clue if this is a dream, I personally think it is though.

And if I’m right, then this whole story is all me – I’m a part of you – you’re a part of me, and we are all actors in Gods movie.

But here’s the thing,


It’s your show boss.

You must take your place and be the main fucking character, you can’t play a side role like the 99% – you’re the main man – the main event!

You’re the director,

Myself and everyone else are the actors.


You are always creating your own reality!

Every thought, feeling, word, and decision makes your reality.

Don’t be a passenger,

Be the Bus Driver Man!

And turn that nightmare into a fucking glorious outcome!

Until next time,

The Fucking Man,

Angus Baynham-McColl

Living a Minimalist Lifestyle

I live a very simple life,

And my routine is very simple.

At 5AM I rise and grind.

But I only work at a job on Thursday’s right now.

And unfortunately,

I have to get another job.


Because before now I was not a minimalist. I was a big time spender.

And I’m in a pile of debt.

How much is a pile?

Ten thousand bucks!

Now that’s a massive pile compared to what I make now.

Consider that I make the following,

Job: $200 a month

Welfare: $1,100 a month

But am I ashamed of being on welfare?


Shame is for fucking losers.

Connor McGregor didn’t wallow in self pity when he collected welfare checks.

Instead he became one of the greatest UFC fighters of all time who got to share the ring with Floyd “Money” Mayweather!

He made hundreds of millions of dollars for his life’s work.

And he cashed most of it in all in one night!

Because that’s what success takes, a life of effort – and one day eventually you might climb high enough to cash in.

Right now I’m at a low.

10,000 bucks in debt, all my friends telling me “you’re not gonna succeed.” – “you need a damn job.” “Yo bro, get a job.” “Angus stop with your millionaire shit.

My crowd doesn’t believe in me.

But I’m a superstar in the making and I don’t play for my crowd, I play the game of life for myself.

And to succeed I will have to embrace a minimalist lifestyle.

This means saying NO,

Saying NO to,

• Xbox

• A 9-5 full time job

• Hanging out with friends when I have stuff to get done

• Helping people move for example

When I have priorities I stick to them, and I have one priority right now.

Getting in the best shape of my life!

Everything else is secondary.

But I am going to get another part time job so I can do one important thing,


My work schedule will be 30 hours a week stocking clothing racks at Value Village.

I will start that job in a few weeks most likely.

I will have the following schedule,

5AM Rise & Walk

6 Shower & Eat

7-12 Work

12-1 Eat

2-4 Write, Edit and Blog

5-7 Walk & Gym

7-10 Read or Write and Blog

10-11 Walk

12 Hit the Hey


I will,

• Sleep

• Walk

• Eat

• Work

• Write

• Workout

• Sleep

Now that’s minimalism.

With a minimalistic lifestyle you can focus on the most important stuff.

And throw out the rest.

Until next time,

The man,

Angus Baynham-McColl

God or Evolution?

Did God create us, or did evolution create us?

Evolution is an intrinsic property of the universe, scientists have figured out that the Big Bang – or Moment Zero started the universe – it’s my feeling that this universe is an improved version of a previous universe.

This universe grew out of the Big Bang the same way a seed becomes a tree. The properties of the seed were created by an intelligent force that was unconscious in my opinion.

I believe unconscious intelligence created the universe and conscious awareness is a product of evolution.

God is an idea that could only be held in consciousness only because evolution created consciousness.

We could call God universal intelligence, and it’s in the intrinsic nature of the universal intelligence to evolve the universe from chaos into order, from simplicity into complexity.

First God created evolution, then evolution created God.

The universe is essentially universal intelligence realizing itself through the evolution of more and more complex forms.

So first God created evolution, then evolution created us, then we created God.

Nature is cyclical,

So the answer is “both.”

Until next time,

The man,

Angus Baynham-McColl

7 Reasons Why I Want 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8M’s in My Bank Account……In My Bank Account

Why do I want to be rich?

1. So I have a sense of achievement!

Sense of Achievement

Getting rich, becoming a millionaire, hitting net worth milestones will give me a sense of accomplishment and make me feel good about myself.

This is important to me because,

2. So I can leave a legacy of excellence!

Leaving a Legacy

I want to be remembered for living a life of excellence, and I want my legacy to be a rich mans legacy, so I can be known as someone who gave it his all in life.

This is important to me because,

3. I want to be known as a winner and want to avoid being known as a loser.

Reputation & Personal Pride

I’m a fucking proud guy and wealth is an indicator of how proud you should be.

People with money have status and constantly have respect from other people.

When you have respect and “fuck you” money, you have the freedom to be yourself and do what you want.

No more taking orders.

This is important to me because,

4. Money Buys Freedom


When you have money you can essentially do what you want!

You can eat out at the best restaurants, sit wherever you want at as many Sens games as you want, have all the time to yourself.

And you can play as much hockey as you want and skate wherever you want.

Plus with freedom,

Every day is a Saturday!

I want to know what that is like.

I also want to know what it’s like to work because you want to, not because you have to.

I want freedom because,

5. Freedom Brings Control


I want to be in full control all the time during the course of my life.

Right now I feel I’m lacking that control because I don’t have enough money.

With more money I feel I would have more control over my circumstances.

I could live where I want,

And I could work as much as I want or as little as I want.

I would be in control of my relationships to a greater degree.

Control is important to me because,

Control = Power

6. I want to be FUCKING POWERFUL!

Power is the most important thing I can think of at this point.

I’ve been held powerless in my past, like we all have at some point, but I want to be viewed as a very powerful and influential person.

I feel like I’m very narcissistic in my personality but I don’t care – I feel self-absorption is part of how you become more powerful.

I believe that having money can make me powerful and influential with respect to how I mold my own life and own world to my liking!

Money is powerful because,

“He who makes the gold makes the rules.”

Power is important to me because,

Power Gives a Person Respect.

Power also gives a man,


7. I Want to Be Superior to Other People!

That’s the real reason I want money, and have wanted money all along.

That’s why I will pursue it!

I love myself,

And I want to be superior to others!

I see life as a game we are all playing with and against each other.


Therefore if I make more money I can eat superior food, have superior amounts of time, play superior hockey, have superior respect.


I want other people to think,

I wish I was Angus,

Because Angus is better than me!


Because then I can be like a God!

And other people will worship me as I show them the light!

So to recap the 7 layers why:

1. Achievement

2. Legacy of Excellence

3. Pride

4. Freedom

5. Control

6. Power

7. Superiority

So in 7 layers why, I found out that my ultimate desire in making money is that I want to be superior to others.

Thankfully I now know what my why is,

Now I can go out there and kick ass knowing that all my actions should be based on what makes me feel superior!

Until Next Time,

Angus Baynham-McColl

Being Nice VS Being Authentic

We have this massive disease in society.

It’s called being nice.

Most people are too nice in this day and age, they are afraid to hurt feelings and have this thing called a conscience when it comes to hurting other people’s feelings.

But guess what?

You are NOT responsible for the way other people feel.

But YOU ARE only responsible for how YOU feel.

I have made the mistake of being too nice in my past, and here’s why:

I was afraid of how I made people feel.


I was afraid of what people thought of me.

But fuck that,

I realize that what people think of me has everything to do with them and nothing to do with me.

And if I hurt someone’s feelings it’s not because I’m an asshole, it’s because they are a bitch, plain and simple.

I have a no more nice guy approach and I showed it as a captain when I cut underperforming players from my hockey team.


Because I can’t stand losing.

And I want to win.

This is why I only want great players on my team, if a player is substandard I don’t want them.

My team finished 2-8-1 this season, that’s horrible. But a nice guy would say “great season boys, let’s come back next season.”

But I thought 2-8-1 is HORRIBLE – so I thought, “let’s kick ass in the playoffs but I’m still getting 5 new players.”

I have one friend in my group, his name is Brandon. I have a lot of respect for him and enjoy my talks with him because he’s brutally honest.

He was my former captain and he cut me from his team even though we were great friends.


Because he didn’t let being “a nice guy” get the better of him and he decided to do what was best for the team.

And I held no grudge for being cut from the team, I took it like a man and wasn’t a bitch about it.

I just decided to try and do better next time.

When you are “NICE” you are a slave to the way other people feel.

It’s better to be criticized for being called a jerk by a bunch of bitches then it is for dealing with the repercussions of being nice.

If I’m in a restaurant and someone fucks up my order – I’m not going to eat shit.

I’m going to send it the fuck back!


In order to step into your authentic self you have to say what you fucking think, regardless of what other people think.

My philosophy is changing,

I want to be more authentic.

And I want to speak my mind more.

Sure I’ll deal with some backlash, but that’s okay.

Some people might not like me as much but it will get me respect.

Brutal honesty is better than being a nice guy.

I believe that being GENUINE is better than being nice.

If I see a hot girl I’ll ask her out.

If someone fucks up my order I’ll send it back.

If someone follows me on Instagram it doesn’t mean I’ll follow them back.

If I have a genuine compliment to pay someone, I’ll say it.

If I have a criticism I’ll speak it.

I don’t care about what other people think, it’s better to be something for someone then to be nobody for everybody.

So ask yourself, what would you do if you didn’t give a fuck what anyone else felt or thought?

And do that!

Until next time,

The man,

Angus Baynham-McColl

The Power of Self-Amplifying Feedback Loops (SAFLs)

“The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.”


Because of Self-Amplifying Feedback Loops (SAFLs)

What is a SAFL?

A SAFL is a term used to describe a feedback loop where you either have positive or negative momentum.

A positive SAFL means you have great momentum in a certain area of life, and that one area will often bleed into other areas of life.

On the other hand a negative SAFL means you have negative momentum in a certain area of life, and that one negative area will often bleed into other areas of life.

This is why success becomes exponentially easier once you have had enough linear growth, eventually you will develop a SAFL and get momentum, and eventually success will be exponentially easier to maintain and build on.

Take success at the gym as an example.

When I started working out again 3 weeks ago I didn’t have any momentum, but after doing like 24 workouts in 3 weeks, you bet I have momentum in the bank.

It’s only going to get easier to go to the gym because of the SAFL I’m building.

At first it was painful to go, but then I got a sense of accomplishment from going and then I began to lift heavier weights.

This success in the gym made me feel better about myself and more optimistic about my future.

I feel that because I’m lifting more I feel stronger, prouder and lighter. I also have more discipline because of the gym and this bleeds into other areas of my life.

The discipline and consistency I have developed are making me better at the following,

• Reading just one book at a time

• Reading for longer periods of time

• Eating better

• Playing better hockey

• Writing more consistently

• Blogging regularly

• Staying optimistic

• I’m about to begin meditation

Those 8 things all started with a positive SAFL that began with going to the gym.

And it’s only been 3 weeks!

I anticipate that in 10 years I will be absolutely jacked, I’ll be attracting hot girls into my life, I’ll have lots of money, a successful business, and I will have let go of all my repressed emotions through meditation.

That’s pretty damn good, and I’ll still be a young 34 year old.

In another 10 years after that I might be a multi-millionaire at age 44.

They say that success is something you discover after you get started, and I feel that my journey of success started about 5 years ago – I didn’t know how I would have gotten this far 5 years ago, but I did.

But that’s the thing,

You never KNOW HOW success will come.

You just follow the principles and discover the hows along the way.

Principles that create a positive SAFL are,

• Working out

• Meditation

• Reading

• Expanding your social circle

• Walking to keep yourself in motion

• Thinking optimistically

Working out is great because it develops discipline and a sense of accomplishment.

Meditation clears the mind and helps you let go of repressed emotions.

Reading makes you more knowledgeable.

Expanding your social circle is great because you will have more friends and acquaintances. This leads to more opportunities to meet even more new people.

Walking for 2 hours a day keeps you from

mentally stagnating.

Choosing to think more optimistically is huge because your thoughts dictate your reality over time.

Eventually when you do these foundational habits you enjoy life more and because you enjoy life more you will create better results in life.

Then your results will cause you to want to get more results.

That’s the power of a SAFL.

Until next time,

The man,

Angus Baynham-McColl

My Only Goal at The Gym

I think there is one way to be great at something and only one way,

Show up every day for 10 years!

If you do that you will be miles ahead of where anyone else could possibly be.

And my goal is one simple goal,

Never stop showing up!

And with that kind of dedication I’m guaranteed to make gains and progress.

By always showing up I’m guaranteeing success!

There’s this theory called the slight edge and it’s pretty simple,

If you improve by 1 percent each day you will become 3 times better every year, and within 10 years you will be more than 30 times better off in life than you are now.

Most people overestimate what they can accomplish in 1 year.

But they underestimate what they can accomplish in 5-10 years.

This is because success is linear at first but then as you have more success and a positive SAFL you are bound to have exponential growth.

I’m looking for exponential growth so I’m working until I hit critical mass.

Until next time,

Angus Baynham-McColl


What Is Enlightenment?

Think of your life as a movie, there are multiple aspects of you in this movie.

The main aspects of the movie are:

• Awareness, ie the spectator

• The main character

• The characters

• The script


Awareness is the viewer of the movie, it is the stillness that is unconditionally safe.

Notice that wherever you go, there is that feeling that you are you. This feeling is there all the time while you are conscious. In fact you are conscious “all the time” because there is no time in the absence of consciousness.

Consciousness is what created the movie, the movie unfolds according to what consciousness wants to express.

Consciousness is in the drivers seat.

We may think that our body is in the drivers seat but the body is moved by consciousness. This doesn’t mean you are in conscious control of everything as you live your life, in fact as you are watching the movie you call your life; you have no control at all.

Everything in your life is pre-destined and controlled by consciousness.

Consciousness is the viewer of the movie of life while you are living it, and that is passive, but before you are born every event to the most minute detail has already been decided and pre-organized by the HIGHER YOU.

You are living according to script forever and always.

Awareness or “THE HIGHER YOU” can also be called God.

At a higher level your movie was created and directed and recorded, now as you live life you are living it in playback mode.

Or spectator mode, except you are spectating a reality where you are made to feel like you have free will even though you have no control at all.

The Main Character

The main character is the body your consciousness is seeing the movie through from a first person perspective.

The main character is always moving according to the agenda and script of consciousness – in other words the plan that you created before the life you are observing in playback mode.

You are always doing the right thing because whatever you are doing is according to script.

You are so absorbed in the movie that you think the main character is actually you, but the real you is the spectator.

As the spectator you can feel and think, the main character cannot, but your thoughts (the spectators) thoughts and feelings are what binds you to the main character.

It’s your thoughts and feelings give you the illusion that you actually are the main character.

But the main character is just an animation in the movie, only consciousness is real.

Since everything is an animation there is no free will, there is just the illusion of free will given by your thoughts that report to you that you were the agent of your decision.

The fact is that reality is moving itself, you are not moving anything in reality. You are not the agent of any decisions, you are a spectator.

When the main character dies at the end of your movie, the spectating consciousness will realize “I was always safe.”

The main character will die, and the movie will end, but when a movie ends the audience doesn’t die along with it. Just the same way that you won’t die along with the body of the main character.

You Are Unconditionally Safe

You are always safe!

Enlightened people live life like their true essence is invincible.

That is because,

You are the spectator, not the body.

“Even though you can be hurt, hurt can’t hurt you.”

You may feel pain, but that pain is just a feeling, cuz you know you’re dreaming.

In a lucid dream you know that you can’t be harmed, even though you may feel things in the dream, you can’t be harmed in any way.

The main character can be harmed, but the main character isn’t you, it’s just an animation produced by consciousness.

So why live in fear?

Everything Is Going According to Script

Before the movie started it was produced by the dreamer (the higher self) (the real you), furthermore – everything in your life is always going according to script.

There is nothing you can do to knock your life off course.

This is because everything in life is always going on exactly the way it should.

Whatever is being dreamed up is going on exactly the way it should.

Everything was created according to plan by the “higher you” so the “lower you” could dream it up and learn while enjoying the dream.


“Enlightenment is the realization that everything is going on exactly the way it should.”

Until next time,

Angus Baynham-McColl

Attachments Give Life Meaning

In spiritual circles we often hear people say that “attachments are bad.”


“Attachments create suffering.”

These spiritually inclined people are right in the sense that attachments create suffering but they are wrong in saying that attachments are bad.

“Attachments not only lead to our greatest suffering, but they also lead to our greatest joy.” – Angus Baynham-McColl

The feeling of losing a hockey game is a shitty feeling, and losing can cause suffering which can be mild or severe suffering depending on how attached the player was to the game.

This is thanks to attachment.

But the feeling of winning and grinning after a well played game would not be possible without attachment.

What is attachment?

It’s love and fear.

Now in spiritual circles we are told love and fear are opposites, but they are actually 2 sides of the same coin.

Love is attachment.

Fear is also rooted in attachment.

Would you tell your son, “I love you, but I’m not attached?”

Of course not,

That would be ridiculous because loving another person is attachment.

And when you love another person you will also fear for them from time to time.

Parents who worry about their kids worry out of love.

Therefore fear is something that arises out of love, fear isn’t the opposite of love – it is a form of love expressed.

When you fear for your future it’s because you love your future. When you love your future it’s because you are attached.

If love is the true purpose of life like most spiritual teachers say, then it would stand to reason that attachment is actually a good thing because without attachment – love is not possible.

Attachment = Love = Fear

Attachment gives rise to love and fear.

The coin is attachment, and love and fear are the 2 sides!

So love strongly and fear strongly.

It’s both love and fear that give life a greater meaning.

Love what you fear and fear for what you love!

And be attached!

Until next time,

Angus Baynham-McColl

A Miserable Life is The Default – Happiness is an Uphill Endeavour

Your life is like a garden, you have to do real hard work to make the garden look great. If you don’t do any hard work it will look like shit.

If you don’t try to excel at life, you will have a shitty life because a shitty life is the default. I see so many people who are unhappy in my daily life, and they are miserable because miserable circumstances are the default.

Poverty is the default.

Bad health is the default.

Bad relationships are the default.

Feeling like shit is the default.


It’s simple,

Negatives are always seeking you out.

If you do nothing in life but relax, you will be fucking miserable.

On the other hand,

Positive circumstances must be sought after, you have to PURSUE and EARN happiness, while unhappiness is something you ATTRACT by doing nothing or too little.

If you want to be rich, it will not happen by luck or accident.

It takes relentless dedication to get rich. It also takes self-education, creating value, and being financially disciplined.

If you want good health you have to eat a good diet and exercise the right way consistently. Good health will not seek you out, bad health will though.

If you want good relationships you must put effort into them and give the other person what they want.

I can think of life as a professional sport, if you don’t have the motivation to play the game hard and play it the right way, losses will seek you out.

Success is an uphill battle, it’s not even terrain so if you don’t go uphill your fate is to go downhill.

Until next time,

Angus Baynham-McColl