How to Get Over Any Girl in Just 3 Days

In this article I will talk about how to get over any girl in three days or less based on principles of psychology.

The model that I will use to describe how to get over someone is Kubler Ross‘s five stages of grief.

When getting over someone it’s important to realize that speed of the process is all about how you quickly you pass through the five stages of grief.

As you know, almost all relationships come to an end.

This is why it’s important know how to get over someone psychologically so you can move on to the next relationship and enjoy it fully.

The five stages of grief are:






I’m going to describe the five stages.


At the end of any relationship we tend to feel that the relationship is over. But first we are in a sense of shock and can’t believe what is actually happening.

This is called denial.

When we were in a state of denial, we don’t see reality clearly.

In denial the subconscious mind has not accepted the fact of the relationship is over, in fact the subconscious mind hasn’t even processed the fact that the relationship is over. It still feels like the relationship is going on.

Even at the conscious level it hasn’t sunk in yet that relationship is over.

For a few hours or maybe even a day it’s completely normal to feel a sense of denial about the relationship being over.

If you feel angry it means you’re moving out of the stage of denial because you’re realizing that this relationship is over.


In the anger stage you may feel feelings of resentment or hatred towards the situation and the girl you’re getting over.

There’s also a lot of blame that goes on in the stage. In the anger stage you may blame yourself and blame your looks or finances, and you may blame the fact you’re not an adequate man.

You may also blame the girl.

It is normal to feel angry for a few hours or even a few days after the end of a relationship.

This anger maybe directed towards yourself, it may be directed towards other people, or towards circumstances, and anything your anger can latch on to.

Eventually the anger will subside as you get used to the relationship being over.

Some people let go of the anger so quickly they won’t even notice they were angry.

After the anger stage is the longest stage of the process of getting over the girl.


The bargaining stage is the worst stage of all and it’s the hardest stage to pass through.

In fact it can take years to pass through the stage.

In my case I was passing through the stage with a specific person that I couldn’t get over for 6 years.

I knew what to do, but sometimes it’s hard to go through the process of the bargaining stage, because even though you know how to pass through it, you may not want to.

This is why it’s such a tricky stage

to pass-through.

In the bargaining stage you’re thinking about ways to restore the relationship and get the girl back.

And the thing is as long as you have hope that you can get the girl back, you will have a lot of problems in the bargaining stage.

In the bargaining stage you may be thinking thoughts like:

What can I do to bring this girl back in my life?

Maybe with more money or better looks I can win her back.

There must be something I can do to make her love me again.

I’m sure you get the idea.

So the thing that keeps a man in the bargaining stage for so long is the thought that it’s possible restore the relationship.

It’s this piece of wisdom that I’m going to tell you that will make the difference between getting over a girl in three days, or three years.

This piece of wisdom is,

The sooner you relinquish all hope of the relationship being possible, the sooner you move past the bargaining stage, and the sooner you’ll get over her.

But here’s the thing,

You have to you have to 100% believe that the relationship will never happen again.

If you have even a 1% belief that the relationship will happen again, that means you’re still in the bargaining stage. It is here your mind will try and think of ways to restore the relationship.

Keep in mind,

If you harbour any thoughts of bargaining or hope of the relationship coming back, you will not pass the bargaining stage.

You have to make yourself 100% certain that the relationship is over.

That’s the only way your subconscious mind will move on.

But Angus?

Is it a depressing to give up hope on a relationship that you really want?

Yes it is,

That’s why you will pass through the fourth stage after you are done bargaining; this stage is called,


In the depression stage you will feel miserable because you know that the relationship is over but you still haven’t fully accepted that it’s over.

But here’s the important thing to do during the depression.

Do not resist depression.

Typically, the depression stage will last for three days, maybe a week at the most.

Anytime you go through loss in life or give up hope on something, you’re going to feel depressed.

This is normal,

The important thing to keep in mind during the depression is avoid going back to the bargaining stage because you’re resisting the depression.

You must not harbour thoughts of bargaining while you are going through the depression. Otherwise you will revert back.

After three days, when your subconscious mind has processed everything, you

will reach a state of acceptance and peace about the situation.


This is the fifth and final stage.

Once you’ve reached the stage of acceptance it means you’ve moved on.

It’s here where you’ll be able look at your past relationship, and the girl, and see that they were just a regular person.

You should be able to see your ex as nothing more than a stranger going forward.

And you will know you’ve reached the stage of acceptance when you no longer care.

The Principle of Least Interest

The beauty of knowing how to get over someone in any relationship is that it won’t matter how the relationship goes.

You can enjoy then relationship without being attached.

This means you’ll have control over the relationship, just like in a negotiation the party willing to walk away is more likely to control the negotiation.

In relationships this is called the principle of least interest.

The person who’s least interested in the relationship has the most control over it.

Knowing how to get over someone is a very powerful tool for your relationship.

This knowledge gives you the freedom to enjoy relationships without being attached to them.

So to recap, the five stages are,

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

How fast you go through them is entirely up to you.

With what you just learned,

You’ll be able to get it over any relationship in three days just like magic.

This teaching will give you all the freedom you need for relationships, and you wont feel attached or sacrifice yourself to keep the relationship going.

The ability to walk away and get over her gives you more freedom to enjoy the relationship than you could possibly imagine.

Until next time,

The man,

Angus Baynham-McColl

Realizations From Solipsism

For a while I had the gut feeling that I was the only real mind in the universe and that everything was contained within my mind as a projection.

I think reality is a hallucination and that everything is actually an illusion. Your thoughts, feelings, objects, sense experience are all temporary – the only thing that doesn’t change is change itself.

If you are aware of anything – you are in a fiction, because only the blank canvas of pure nothingness is real – yet it’s the only thing that’s impossible to imagine because the imagination is always imagining something.

Back to the point about me being the only real mind, I think I might be wrong to say that even my own mind is real. This is because my mind is a projection animated on the blank canvas of nothingness.

Every thought is a projection.

Every thought is a hallucination.

My awareness and the idea of my own awareness is a hallucination and conceptualization.

There is nothing that exists outside of my awareness. If I’m not aware of it it doesn’t exist. There is also nothing that exists inside my awareness because my awareness is something, my awareness is an illusion – and nothingness is the only thing that is real.

The only reason why people say reality is not an illusion is because there is nothing to compare and contrast it with.

The universe is 99.999999 percent empty space – even the empty space isn’t real – even time isn’t real – these are illusions that pass through the very thing that is real, pure nothingness.

Until next time,

The man,

Angus Baynham-McColl

The Number One Mistake People Make When Using the Law of Attraction

The number one mistake people make when using the Law of Attraction is being attached to the outcome during the manifesting process.

In other words people usually do just fine at desiring what they want, but they just can’t seem to let go and allow the universe to work it’s magic.

Desire is a powerful force, and unimpeded desire will always manifest the intended outcome.

But the problem for an amateur LOA practitioner is attachment.

Attachment will cancel out desire every single time.

I use other words for attachment such as resistance, desperation, neediness and wanting. Feeling lack is another term I use to describe attachment.

If you feel any resistance in your being within the context of your desire, you must let go of the negative feeling.

Every desire simultaneously creates an aversion to not having the desire, and if the aversion isn’t relinquished, the desire will not manifest easily.

This is why when I want to manifest something, I intend for it until I feel excited about it, and then I let go totally until I’m inspired to reinforce the intention again.

I let go of how long it will take to manifest my desire, and I especially let go of how it will happen. I also don’t try to “do anything” to make my desire real – if I’m doing uninspiring work because I think it will make my desire real, I immediately stop. It’s important to realize that any action coming from the voice of resistance, neediness, and lack is the wrong action to take.

If you are in a state of complete surrender, resistance, and non-attachment – it’s likely that your desire will manifest very easily and quickly.

There are zero limits as to “how” your desire can manifest.

In fact the most enlightened practitioners of the law of Attraction don’t focus on “manifesting desires” – life just happens to work out perfectly and miracles are a part of everyday life.

A rookie LOA practitioner will visualize, and visualize all the time, yet generate so little in terms of results.

This is because he is doubtful the universe understands what he wants – and his lack of faith will be reflected back to him by his lack of results which will reinforce his lack of faith.

But the LOA pro will spend most of his time letting go of his desire because he knows that the universe already “gets it” – he knows that the universe knows he wants a million dollars. The only thing the pro focuses on is a total surrender to the universe. He doesn’t visualize over and over or repeat affirmations. All he has is an inner knowing that his desire is real in the present moment. He just needs to become so open and non-attached that the universe can work with unlimited possibilities and put the pieces together.

Bottom line is,

The Law of Attraction is 1% intention and 99% letting go.

Most rookies have it the other way around.

And that’s why they are stuck.

I will have more posts on letting go and releasing resistance to become non-attached. Letting go is the most essential thing to do when applying the Law of Attraction.

Until next time,

The Man,

Angus Baynham-McColl

Is Life Real or Is Life A Dream?

A lot of philosophical people ask this question,

Are we in a real universe – or are we in a dream?

Let’s first examine the nature of the objective physical universe.

In my opinion the physical universe is a life form.

Before the Big Bang there was a singularity which I call “the seed.”

Over 13 billion years the universe became what it is today.


Through evolution!

The seed exploded and hydrogen and helium were the first elements to form and hydrogen and helium formed stars.

Also due to natural laws such as gravity, planets began to form. And as elements collided to form other elements we eventually got bacteria and single cell life forms.

Then small fish, reptiles, and amphibians formed. At around the same time millions and millions of years ago birds came out of evolution.

Eventually the dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago and mammals came out of that extinction.

Later in the last million years or so people came into the equation.

And with people came consciousness!

It took 13.8 Billion years for the universe to spawn consciousness as a property within the universe.

But it’s at the point of right now, that the once unconscious, and very chaotic universe became orderly, and evolved enough to facilitate consciousness.

But now that evolution created consciousness we can validly ask ourselves,

Is life real or just a dream?

I’m going to say it’s both real and it’s a dream.

This is because there are 2 aspects to reality or shall I say 2 perspectives.

There is,

Objective Reality

Objective reality is the idea that you are a body in this reality and that you will die at the end of your life because consciousness is produced by the brain.

In OR the material world is real and the conscious world is secondary.


Subjective Reality

In subjective reality you are consciousness and the world is produced within consciousness.

You are not the body in this reality, the body is a dream character that you experience life through, but in reality that body isn’t you.

You are consciousness and everything you experience arises within consciousness.

SR agrees with the idea that consciousness is primary and that the world is secondary.

OR proposes that consciousness is secondary.

But are we in a real permanent world with a temporary consciousness, or are we a permanent consciousness in a temporary dream world.

I say it’s both,

Objective and Subjective Reality can coexist.

The universe created consciousness because it created the lifeforms that could hold and express consciousness.

Through biology, consciousness is linked to the universe.

But it was physics and chemistry in the early stages of the universe that gave rise to complex structures that made biology possible.

In a dream we know that the whole dream universe is a mental projection.

But in the waking universe we can tell that the universe is physical and runs according to natural law.

In a dream what can happen is limitless, but in physical reality what can happen is limited. You can’t fly in real life.

When the biology that links us to physicality is shut off and we are asleep then we can dream up anything we want because the mind is unlimited in its possibility while in the form of a wave.

The physical universe is structured by particles on the other hand.

The brain is what links the mind (waves) to the particles (matter.)

There is a real world “out there” but the word is also “in here.”

From minds perspective the physical world is real, but from spirits perspective the world is just a dream.




The universe exists in different layers,

First spirit,

Then mind,

Then Physicality

But I say first there was physicality which then evolved into mind and then spirit became aware.

“The universe is the process of infinity becoming aware and then awareness becoming infinity.” – Angus Baynham-McColl

They say God created the universe.

But I say the universe actually created God.

Then the universe became self aware when unconsciousness gave rise to consciousness.

And then consciousness took over and accelerated the evolutionary process.

Now we have humans who are living the dream of life and minding the reality.

Spirit lives the dream of mind.

Mind minds the reality of physicality.

“We live our dreams and mind our reality.”

Because we are in a real dream!

Until next time,

The man,

Angus Baynham-McColl

Does Consciousness Survive Death?

I think consciousness doesn’t survive death.

I also think consciousness survives death.

But am I contradicting myself.

No but I’m certainly not thinking logically, however I am thinking paralogically at a level where the paradox can be reconciled.

I want to support the theory that consciousness dies with the brain while also supporting the theory that consciousness is immortal.

This answer is the merge of science and spirituality.

And here it is,

We have 2 consciousnesses.

Consciousness 1 is produced by the brain and exists within the objective universe. Consciousness 1 will die when the brain does because the brain is responsible for producing consciousness 1.

Consciousness 1 is called the soma-stream, it’s the consciousness which gives rise to sense experience of the objective world.

Consciousness 2 is the soul-stream and this represents our imagination and subjective experience. Consciousness 2 survives death because it exists independent of the brain.

Your mind can be awake while your body is asleep – therefore your soul can be alive when your body is dead.

Until next time,

Angus Baynham-McColl

My Number 1 Rule As a Writer

Most writers neglect this rule.

The rule is,

Trust Yourself

Many people are their own harshest critic.

This often comes from caring about what other people think.

But here’s the thing,

It’s none of your business what other people think of you.


What people think shouldn’t matter to you.

The truth is, what other people think is a reflection of what they believe.

It’s not a reflection of reality.

For the longest time I struggled with what my readers think.

I thought my writing was trash.

But it wasn’t until I scored positive reviews that I relinquished my inner critic.

In fact,

I’ve had 1 person tell me my work was the best thing he has ever read on the Internet.

Some people would think they are hot shit after a comment like that, but not me.

I take applause with a grain of salt, because I know I still have much to learn about how to be a great writer.


If someone says my writing is shit I’m able to let that go.

I can let it go because I’ve heard enough positive feedback to know that even my average writing is still good.

I’ve blogged for five years now.

And I’m only starting to get good.

In the last five years I’ve thrown out plenty of my work.

I’ve threw away my work because I thought it wasn’t good enough to publish.

I regret this.

I also believe what I’ve thrown out is the best work I have ever done.

The problem was I failed to believe in my work.

Now I trust myself, and I’m confident that even my average work is good enough.

I got my confidence as a writer when I wrote blog posts for the Ottawa Spartans.

For one season I was the teams blogger, and the players showed great appreciation for my work.

Three players even came up to me and said that “I’m an amazing writer”, and they “got fired up” when they read the pre game pump ups, they also loved the player biographies.

Back in 2013 when I first started blogging, someone said that my about me page was “the best thing I’ve ever read on the Internet.”

I look back on that compliment when I should trust myself more.

I still avoid judging my own work though.

You have to give your work up to the universe at some point.

I recommend editing and carefully revising before you publish.

However, you have to be able to trust yourself enough to publish.

In this blog I haven’t edited as much as normal because I need to trust myself more.

There comes a point in editing when you know your work is good enough.

Edit until that point, but don’t overthink.

When you’re happy with your work, publish it.

Like I said, you have to trust yourself.

Learn from feedback and constructive criticism but take compliments with a grain of salt.

Positive comments can make you complacent and blind to your own weaknesses. You may also lose the drive to improve after reading your own press.

The truth is you should always be trying to improve.

I find critical comments more valuable, but I don’t get very many and I wish I did sometimes.

I appreciate advice on how to improve from my readers, but possibly the reality is that I’m a good enough writer that people don’t think I need much advice.

But I know that even if I’m a good writer, I’m not Stephen King or J.K Rowling.

There’s always more I can do to improve.

You shouldn’t worry about what other people think.

I always go with what I think of myself at the end of the day, because I write for myself.

I don’t care if I have 10 followers or 1 million followers.

I write for myself.

I don’t want to be a slave to my reputation, my writing is done for the love of the art and my own enjoyment.

I know a lot of people like my work, and I know some will never care about it.

But who likes my work and who doesn’t is none of my business.

My only job is to make a work of art until I think it’s good enough.

After I have done that I must hit the publish button.

Afterwards I let the chips fall where they may.

I want to make $1 million as a blogger.

But I know I must not worry about what other people think, or I will never make $1 million a blogger.

Like I said, I write for one person only – myself.

This website is my journal.

I happen to publish my journal because I believe that my words can inspire other people. I also enjoy sharing insights that express my truth.

Once again, I encourage all writers to keep this one thing in mind,

Believe in yourself!

It took me five years of writing to reach this realization, but when I finally trusted myself, it was very liberating.

You will get to a point where you put your 10,000 hours in and have reached a level of proficiency in your work.

It’s at that point where you should trust yourself more and more, yet still listen to other people’s advice.

I did 30 posts in November, and I’ve already made 5 posts in December. I also plan to have 400 posts per year at minimum.

This means there will be plenty of great content to read for years to come on winning and grinning.

Thanks for reading!

Until next time,

The man,

Angus Baynham-McColl

Going Full Circle

Going Full Circle

“I owe my greatest losses to my greatest gains and my greatest gains to my greatest losses.” – Tao Te Ching

Become So Introverted that You Become Extroverted

An introvert will ultimately come to the realization that even their inner world is part of the outside world, and that interacting with the inner world is actually interacting with the outside world.

On the other hand an extrovert is interacting with the outside world and comes to the realization that he has been interacting with aspects of his own self all song, thereby making him an introvert.

Lose You Ego to Develop a Strong Personality

The ego is the part of you that prevents you from fully expressing yourself, then when the ego goes away you have no limitations and anything goes. Hell, you are so egoless that even egomaniac type behaviours are perfectly acceptable to you.

Doing Nothing Gets You the Most, Doing Everything Gets You the Least

The best way to be happy is to cut stuff out from your life, the more you have the more you stand to lose. Giving up your possessions, friends, family, and everything else you can think of is actually the way to become happy.

Then again people that chase billions of dollars are unconsciously trying to relieve their chronic aversion of “not having enough.” But when you try to have everything – you are actually going further away from your true nature. Your true nature is nothingness and people who have so much feel so empty because they could lose it and their happiness is only as temporary as the times where they are gaining more. This is what people mean when they say that you can lose the world and gain your soul, or gain the world but lose your soul.

“The weakest are the most powerful because they have nothing to lose, as soon as you gain power you have something to lose.”

The person who has everything to lose becomes a slave to the very things they stand to lose, but the person with nothing to lose and nothing to defend is free.

“To find full meaning out of life, discover that life is meaningless.”

There is no objective meaning to life, if that makes you depressed then you are making a negative meaning out of the statement that life is meaningless.

The pursuit of enlightenment, or a billion dollars, or physical fitness is about as meaningful as a kid building a sandcastle and any meaning that is ascribed to your pursuits is purely fictional.

This gives you the opportunity to make your life into a fiction, even if you think your life is non-fiction you still just made a fictional statement.

“Be so masculine that you have no fear of being feminine.”

If you want to pick up girls be like a girl, embrace authenticity and vulnerability, be spontaneous, and care free. Express your emotions and be yourself 100%.

“Atheists ultimately discover nothingness and realize that nothingness was God all along. Theists discover God and realize God was nothingness all along.”


“Solipsism taken to it’s most extreme takes you to the conclusion that even you aren’t real.”

A solipsist thinks that they are the only real being in the universe and that all other beings are contained within their mind. But the conclusion is that even their own mind is a projection, and even their own thoughts are a projection arising within nothingness. Only nothingness is real and this means that nothing is real – the solipsist is 99.99999 percent right – therefore they’re still wrong. To complete the course they must realize that even they themselves are an illusion, a projection and that even they don’t exist.

Nothing is real because reality is nothingness.

“Become so selfish that you discover true selflessness.”

In my selfish pursuit of becoming Sergeant Major of my Army Cadet Unit – I discovered the biggest lesson I learned in my career. And that lesson was that I was pursuing a goal that was selfish. But because I wanted that goal so bad I actually became selfless and turned my motivation outward into helping my unit become the best it could be.

My selfishness lead me to something bigger than myself. And the fact that I was so much more motivated to help the unit succeed made me want to become the Sergeant Major even more – not for my sake like when I first wanted it, but for the sake of helping the unit.

In pursuing selflessness I was still selfish, with the exception that I had selfless motivations that lay deeper than my self cantered motivations.

It’s not about what you do, it’s about why you do it.

“If you want to live a life of purpose, discover that life has no purpose.”

There is no purpose to life, therefore you get to choose your own purpose. This means no longer living your life from a place to objective purpose where you “have to” do something – but rather it means living from any purpose where you can do “whatever you want.”

“Become so unattached that it doesn’t matter how attached you are.”

True non attachment isn’t about not giving any fucks but rather it’s about realizing that there are times where you still give fucks – and when you do give a fuck – non attachment means not giving a fuck that you give a fuck.

So there are some examples of going full circle.

Until next time,

The man,

Angus Baynham-McColl

Buddhism VS Christianity

What’s the difference between Christianity and Buddhism?

Christianity is a way of seeing reality that sees the duality in the universe and takes it to the limit – Christians see that things are good and evil – right and wrong. A Christian would say that “sin lies within” and we need to be forgiven and that this is available to everyone who has faith.

On the other hand Buddhism is a way of looking at things that sees non-duality in the universe and also includes duality. Buddhism teaches that there is no such thing as “good and evil”, everything just is. A Buddhist would say that “truth lies within” and that there is nothing to forgive and no faith is required.

Both perspectives make sense but are only half true and truth is in the eye of the beholder.

Christ identified himself as “everything” and embodied unconditional love.

Buddha identified himself as “nothing” and embodied infinite wisdom.

Wisdom is the realization that you are nothing.

Love is the realization that you are everything.

When you have both realizations you are complete because love and wisdom complete each-other.

The Buddha didn’t incorporate as much love into his teachings as Christ did, and Christ didn’t incorporate as much wisdom as Buddha did.

Extroversion = Love

Introversion = Wisdom

The Buddha became so introverted that he saw his own thoughts were outside of himself and hence realized “I’am nothing.”

The Buddha relinquished all desires and aversions and saw the world as an illusion – there was nothing that needed to be saved and nobody I must share my wisdom with. I am alone.

Jesus was so extroverted that he saw everything as within himself and hence realized “I am everything.” Christ went with his desires and saw the world as a part of himself that needed to be saved and shared his wisdom in every moment. Ironically in trying to save the world – the world killed him.

If Christ had Buddha’s wisdom he would have been a more effective Christ – and if Buddha had Jesus’s love he would have been a more effective Buddha.

Wisdom = Knowing You Know Nothing

Love = Knowing that Everything is a Part if You

Wisdom is Self Love

Love is Sharing Your Wisdom

Until next time,

The Man,

Angus Baynham-McColl

My Higher Destiny and Lower Destiny

My lower destiny is what I have planned for my life.

My higher destiny is what God and The Universe has planned for me.

The lower destiny is about what life’s gift for you is, the lower destiny is also about what you came to Earth to get out of life.

The lower destiny is based on the desires of the ego.

The lower destiny is all about me and what I want.

On the other hand, the higher destiny is all about life purpose and how I serve others.

The higher destiny is based on the desires of the soul, not just the ego.

Part of your higher destiny is about how you enrich other peoples lives, and of course this includes enriching your own.

My Lower Destiny

• Developing Great Fitness

• Becoming a Great Ball Hockey Player

• Winning Ball Hockey Championships

• Making Money

• Enjoying Great Relationships

• Achieving Financial Freedom

My Higher Destiny

• Inspiring Other People

• Helping Other People Get in the Best Shape of Their Lives

• Helping My Teammates Win Games and Cups

• Helping Other People Become Successful

• Teaching Others What I Have Learned

• Practicing Generosity and Kindness

In my lower destiny I want to master fitness, hockey, and money.

Then in my Higher destiny I want to help other people on their journey, specifically the same journey I was on as I achieved my lower destiny missions.

In the hero’s journey, you have some quests that you focus on mastering, for example I have 3 main quests.

• Gain Great Fitness

• Get Great at Hockey

• Get Rich

As I achieve the first goal of getting fit, I will have the credibility to teach fitness.

Then as I become better at hockey I will gain more credibility as a leader in the game.

Then once I get rich and successful, I will have the means to fulfill my higher destiny of enriching other people.

I already know what I need to do to fulfill my lower destiny, and what I have to do is simple.




And while I’m on my way to success I’m always going to remember.

“The best way to get what you want

Is to give what you want.” – Angus Baynham-McColl


“The more you give, the more you live.” – Angus Baynham-McColl

With that in mind I will tell you that today I will hit the gym with my friends and teammates and workout my lower body.

I also plan on working out my forearms to improve my shooting in hockey.

So in no particular order I will do:

Warmups, and then,

• Squats (3rep max) X3 Sets

• Leg Press 300LBS X12 X4 Sets

• Crunches with a 25 pound weight 15X2

• Forearm Curls 50 pounds till failure X4

• Cool Down on Treadmill

This is my second day in the gym consecutively and I plan on being in there 5 days a week Monday to Friday.

So the missions continue,

Until next time,

Angus Baynham-McColl

Is the Law of Attraction Bullshit?

The Law of Attraction is a theory that states the following;

“Your life becomes what you think.”

But does it?

The answer is this,

“You don’t become what you think about, you become what you obsess about.”

When you are obsessed with your goal, that’s when you know you will be successful.

How did I amass 100 career points in competitive Ball Hockey in 5 years of play and 172 games?

It’s because of 2 reasons,

I stuck with it!


I was fucking obsessed!

Why am I making massive progress in the gym and going for the 5th time in 7 days?

Because I’m obsessed!

Forget about just thinking about what you want.

If you want success you have to think about success all the time!

You have to be fucking obsessed!

Success is a 24/7 deal, not a part time job.

When you aren’t kicking ass and succeeding, you have to think about succeeding round the clock.

A wise man once said,

“Mans best thoughts are conceived while walking.”

This is why I start my days with a walk.

I also walk everywhere I go.

Then I walk at the end of the day!


Because your thoughts make your destiny, especially your repeated thoughts.

I want the best possible thoughts so I can have the best possible destiny!

So I walk.

And I walk some more.

Plus walking is great cardio and maintenance for your muscles.

I also visualize while I walk, on my way to a hockey game I walk and visualize the great game I’m going to have.

On my way to the gym I visualize myself working out and making massive gains!

At night I visualize myself making millions of dollars inspiring other people.

While I walk I listen to the best music and see myself in my highest image.

1. Your thoughts determine how you feel.

2. When you think positive, you fee positive.

3. When you feel positive you think positive.

4. When how you think and feel are one, you have a state of being.

5. When your state of being is positive your actions change.

6. When your actions change your habits change.

7. When your habits change your character changes.

8. When your character changes, your destiny changes!

The building blocks of your destiny are thoughts!

The more obsessed you are to win, the more thoughts you stack and eventually you have a pile of good thoughts, emotions, and actions!

And life becomes easier.

When you are obsessed you are crusin at 100MPH and Crushin it!

So there’s my verdict, the Law of Attraction is NOT BULLSHIT!

What you think about ALL THE TIME will become real!

So be obsessed!

Until next time,

The man,

Angus Baynham-McColl