Buddhism VS Christianity

What’s the difference between Christianity and Buddhism?

Christianity is a way of seeing reality that sees the duality in the universe and takes it to the limit – Christians see that things are good and evil – right and wrong. A Christian would say that “sin lies within” and we need to be forgiven and that this is available to everyone who has faith.

On the other hand Buddhism is a way of looking at things that sees non-duality in the universe and also includes duality. Buddhism teaches that there is no such thing as “good and evil”, everything just is. A Buddhist would say that “truth lies within” and that there is nothing to forgive and no faith is required.

Both perspectives make sense but are only half true and truth is in the eye of the beholder.

Christ identified himself as “everything” and embodied unconditional love.

Buddha identified himself as “nothing” and embodied infinite wisdom.

Wisdom is the realization that you are nothing.

Love is the realization that you are everything.

When you have both realizations you are complete because love and wisdom complete each-other.

The Buddha didn’t incorporate as much love into his teachings as Christ did, and Christ didn’t incorporate as much wisdom as Buddha did.

Extroversion = Love

Introversion = Wisdom

The Buddha became so introverted that he saw his own thoughts were outside of himself and hence realized “I’am nothing.”

The Buddha relinquished all desires and aversions and saw the world as an illusion – there was nothing that needed to be saved and nobody I must share my wisdom with. I am alone.

Jesus was so extroverted that he saw everything as within himself and hence realized “I am everything.” Christ went with his desires and saw the world as a part of himself that needed to be saved and shared his wisdom in every moment. Ironically in trying to save the world – the world killed him.

If Christ had Buddha’s wisdom he would have been a more effective Christ – and if Buddha had Jesus’s love he would have been a more effective Buddha.

Wisdom = Knowing You Know Nothing

Love = Knowing that Everything is a Part if You

Wisdom is Self Love

Love is Sharing Your Wisdom

Until next time,

The Man,

Angus Baynham-McColl

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